
Just another site

The Social Network

What a movie.  What a movie indeed.  The Social Network gets a 9/10 from me.  Since I can’t think of one movie that I would give a 10/10 to, the Social Network has done damn good by me.

The opening scene is one of intellectual conversation led with masterful flourish by the lead actor, Jessie Eisenberg.  After seeing the entire movie, I don’t think that anyone could have put on a  better performance than Jessie.  Oscar anyone?  And funny fact, he’s 27.  I never would have guessed.  Anyway, I don’t want to spoil the movie, but it takes place in the present and past simultaneously as the story of the founding and subsequent explosive expansion of Facebook (previously named thefacebook).  Overall, quite a legendary movie, in my humble opinion.

Here’s what IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes had to say.

IMDB has it rated at 8.4/10, which is pretty respectable rating from the internet movie database, and Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 97%, which is excellent no matter who you are.

My advice?  See the Social Network, and then buy it when it comes out on DVD.  I know I plan to see it once more in theaters and then buying it the first day it comes out.

November 7, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment